The edutainment activity took place at gurdian grounds in Mshomoroni. Blue Angels and Junda Development Initiative Vision 2030- JUNDEV youth groups presented skits that had information about sexual reproductive healths and rights and the challenges that they encounter in accessing the services in hospitals.
Coast Women In Development in collaboration with German Foundation DSW facilitated the event that brought together youths from the Kisauni region to share their experiences regarding their sexual reproductive heath- SRH
Some of the challenges tabled included;
community is still filled with myths surounding use of family
plannings i.e usage of contraceptives can lead to infertility, HIV
positive couples cannot have a positive baby and that family planning
is only the responsibility of the women. The facilitators disputed
the irrational myths and explained to the youths the facts about SRH.
SRH services inaccessibilty
The services at the public hospitals are inadequate and sometives unaffrodable for them, being youths who do not have proper jobs, they require a subsidized pricing of the SRH services so they can access them easily. A lot of youths shy away from accessing the services because of the expenses.
Howard Akimala from DSW facilitating the discussion session.
Service providers’ attitudes.
Being youths, most service providers are not friendly to them, they get insults about being immoral at their ages, and this puts off most youths from attending the hospitals for the services.
Lack of information.
Most youths are not equiped with information abt contraceptives and how they are supposed to use. Most of them do not even know what rights they have towards accessing the SRH services, this has led to misconceptions about the ir SRH especially on family planning methods. i.e most youths use the morning emergency pill frequently to stop themselves from getting pregnant when it is just a drug to be taken on emergency cases.
-The youths were made aware of their SRH rights and most especially ther right to information on something they do not understand especially at the hospitals.
-The youths were also challenged to pass information to their fellow youths who do not get opportunities to attend SRH forums and be educated on the same
Blue Angels youths perfoming a play on SRH.
-There was a need for NGOs to create more awareness on SRH especially to the youths.
-The community leaders were also challenged to involve the youths in their forums to bring out the youths issues in the communities.