China Africa Peoples Forum 29-30th August 2011

This was a meeting that was organized by NGO Co-ordination Board and China NGO’s Network for International Exchange (CNNIE) to enhance partnership and promote friendship between China and Africa.


The two Days event brought together 100 participants from NG0`s and CSO`s from Kenya 30 from China and 50 from other African Countries, Senior Government officials and representatives of other networks. It was a continuation of a program that was started in 2008 to enhance partnership and promote friendship between China and Africa.

Participants follow the proceedings The Vice President of Kenya Hon Kalonzo Musyoka receives Cup of China- Africa Peoples Friendship.

Realization of other avenues to source for funds.

CINNIE have been doing a lot of development with other organization building schools and even boreholes in some parts of Kenya like Kinangop. This information if shared well can assist other organization in changing the approach on resource mobilization hence decongesting the Western donor avenue.

Nairobi Declaration adopted at the first China Africa People’s Forum.

The two Continents agreed to the institutionalization of the China-Africa People’s Forum. According to the requirements from both sides, the institution will be improved, the contents enriched and the roles fully played as a guidance for the friendly relations between the Chinese and African people. The two Continents agreed to a mottoof “Solidarity is Power”