
 Friday, 14.2.2025

Improved lives of the Vulnerable Women and Children living in the grassroots level. This goal we struggle to achieve through promotion of good governance that respects human rights towards gender equality and rule of law and creating awareness on prevention of all violence and discrimination against women and children.
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CWID counts on the support of generous and caring people.
People like you to achieve the dream of bringing about the kind of change we want for the vulnerable women and children

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Coast Women In Development CWID is a registered and independent, nonprofit making grassroots women organization that exist to improve the lives of women and children at the grassroots levels. It was established in the year 2005 to identify and reinforce women’s role in Education Leadership, Developments and Governance, the organization is registered by NGO board. CWID in addition, serves as the secretariat to the Pwani Gender Based Violence Network, which is a group effort of the various organizations addressing issues of gender in general and gender based violence in particular at the Coastal Region of Kenya in collaboration with GBV Prevention Network Horn of Africa.

The organization has various running projects which are:


  • Prevention and awareness of gender based violence in the Coastal region. This is done in collaboration with Pwani GBV network.

  • Economic Empowerment - through Microfinance loaning Scheme- this project supports members in designing small projects and advancing small start up loans which payable within a period is ranging from one to three years, E.g. Goat rearing project in Kilifi and Malindi.

  • Healthy Action Campaign, The project advocates for the government health strategies to address the needs of poor people in order for the MDGs to be met as well as the demand of development strategies. This we do in partnership with FHOK, Kwetu Training Centre and MTG under the umbrella of DSW and IED.

  • Improved hygiene and sanitation in slums; in this project, women and youths are trained in observing household hygiene. This is also done to promote HIV/AIDS awareness activities at the household levels.

  • Education support for girls in poor families;this project identifies bright girls from poor families that are reflected in CWID projects and offer support by facilitating them to continue with schooling without interruption which is often occassioned by sending Support Request Application (SRA) to government run bursary funds, Constituency Development Funds (CDF) donors, individuals and corporate well wishers.

  • Campaign on fight against malaria; the project targets to empower the community with skills and resources of controlling and preventing the spread of malaria and its impacts.



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Actual Projects

Tuinuane Project
The Tuinuane Project is a project that was started by Coast Women in Development for the women at the grassroots level. The project started with a micro-credit program where women groups are given soft loans individually. The loans have improved the livelihoods of the participating women. Through these loans they are able to fend for their families, pay school fees for their children and boost their small businesses

Badilika Project
Badilika (Change) is the name of the project that was decided by the male sexual offenders at Shimo La Tewa Prison. The project aims to work hand in hand with the Shimo La Tewa Rehabilitation Authority and sexual offenders in prison who have accepted their mistakes and ready to participate in the program Badilika to be ambassadors , challenging males young and old to be 'MEN NOT VIOLENT NOT SILENT'!

Permanent Projects

CommunityThe organization organizes a variety of community outreaches at the Coast. The outreaches are held in form of open forums and events. The organization has been able to hold both international and local events such as International Day of Action on Women’s Health and 16 Days of Activism with the help of various partners and networks

EducationCWID advocates for improved girl-child education especially at the grassroots level in Coast Province as one of its objectives. Some of the activities the organization undertakes are like motivational talks to school children and assist in projects that will boost the performance in schools. We also hold forums on prevention and awareness on gender based violence to the school children who are most vulnerable

Heath issueshe organizaton deals with health issues in the country especially advocacy for improved funding from the government into the health sector in order to improve reproductive health together with other networks and partners. CWID is also involved in the awareness, prevention and stigma reduction campaign on HIV/AIDS and sexual gender based violence

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